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Autonomy & You

If you follow me on socials you will know that things have changed a wee bit for me in the last few weeks. I now have a very quiet and clean house, wellšŸ˜‚,  am supporting my children from afar and am having to figure out who I am again.Autonomy, or our who, what, where and when, is an ever evolving educational process. And when we have a neurodiverse brain that educational process can be fractured, fraught with trauma (both little t and big T) and ohhhh so educational.But itā€™s real...

March 9, 2025

Co-regulation Explained

This beautiful blue eyed boy used to freak out every time he couldnā€™t see me when he was in this thing, but he was also the kid that would chuck himself off every high thing he could find. He was the kid that would walk himself home from the skatepark covered in blood, the kid that NEEDED those old school reigns, that would be the first to run off to check out all the slides at the park but would be checking where I was every two seconds ā€œjust in caseā€.Now we are at that point where he is ...

February 12, 2025

Sensory Overload & What to do about it

Sensory OverloadSensory overload is one of those buzz words that I didnā€™t pay a lot of attention to until the last couple of years but now I pay a huge amount of attention to.And hereā€™s why.  Through my teenage years and twenties I would hear ā€œbugsā€ in the walls at my childhood home, I chalked it up to either I was going insane or that it was a wooden style Lockwood house and there probably WAS bugs in the walls.Large crowds of people and really loud places would make me really...

January 27, 2025

ADHD Brains, Teens & Boundaries

If Iā€™m being honest, enforcing boundaries as a parent with ADHD, especially with ADHD kids, has been one of the hardest things Iā€™ve faced. The arguments, the yelling, the endless ā€œBut whyyyyyy?ā€ ā€“ itā€™s a lot. Over the years, Iā€™ve made plenty of mistakes and learned a ton (sometimes the hard way). So, hereā€™s a bit of my story and whatā€™s worked for me.Understanding BoundariesIā€™ve always found boundaries tricky. Maybe itā€™s my ADHD, or maybe itā€™s just parenting in general. Wh...

January 26, 2025

Making Small Moments Count

Making the Holidays Meaningful: Connecting with Your Neurodiverse TeenThe holiday season is often a whirlwind of activities, gatherings, and traditions. While it can be a time of joy and togetherness, it can also bring unique challenges for families with neurodiverse teens. Sensory overload, changes in routine, and the pressure to meet social expectations can make the season overwhelming for everyone involved.This year, letā€™s approach the holidays differently. Instead of getting lost in the hu...

December 11, 2024

Quick Tips for Self Regulation

Self-regulation, emotional regulation isnā€™t always about the big emotions or the big stuff, sometimes its about the small stuff that builds over time to become the big stuff. For me, itā€™s the little things that donā€™t go right during the day and if Iā€™m not on top of regulating the little things as they come up my life can turn to custard REAL quick.My AuDHD brain likes structure and knowing whatā€™s coming up and also loves NOT knowing and surprises and interest and ā€œooooohhhh look...

July 31, 2024

ADHD & Showering

As I sit here doing anything but going and having a shower and stopping for the day Iā€™m reminded every couple of minutes about the post on Instagram that I saw today and it obviously resonated with me so much that here I sit writing this post rather than going and having that shower that I desperately need.And now I have sat for another hour trying to find the post again so that I can link the post and give cred to the creatorā€¦ā€¦alas I have had to go have my shower giving up on finding the ...

May 27, 2024

Scaffolding your ADHD Teen

There's that old saying that kids don't come with a handbook.... right? And neurodiverse kids OMG don't you wish they did.From day 1, I knew that I was in for it.  He didn't sleep, he didn't feed, he didn't do any of the things the way that I thought I knew how to do, and I felt so many times that I needed that "handbook" to figure things out cause there was just no-one who knew what I was going through or why things just didn't go the way that they were suppose to, and instinctively I just...

May 13, 2024

Women & ADHD

Although I have had the idea for this blog whirling around in my head for several months (you get how we do that), it has become really apparent to me this past month or so that I needed to actually get it out of my head and actually write this blog finally. The women who I have worked with this month are really strugglingā€¦. It seems common that although we all seem to have had a cruisy Christmas and New Years break, whatever that looked like for us, things are still chaotic, and why?I th...

March 5, 2024

What is coaching??

With ADHD coaching or neurodiversity coaching being new to New Zealand and actually a fairly new service being offered around the world, how do you know what to expect? What is ā€œgoodā€ coaching? Is it value for money?ā€œThe focus of ADHD Coaching is on building skills and taking action.  Good coaching definitely helps people to improve their business focus, interpersonal skills and ability to get things done in such a way as to lead a more productive, fulfilling and rewarding lifeā€ ā€“...

January 17, 2024

#3 Habits & the ADHD Brain

All over TikTok, Insta, Facebook, well anywhere you look nowadays there is so much stuff around ADHD and how to ā€œmanageā€ you life, your habits and your planning, but do they really help or give you practical steps how to implement change?Change is made (especially with an ADHD brain) in small steps, with small wins and small movement forward.  This is because the ADHD brain will have a field day with lots of new and exciting things to make things ā€œbetterā€ and ā€œmanagedā€ but after...

January 12, 2024

#2 Organisation & the ADHD Brain

I have bought 3 diaries. I know I know 3!! But now itā€™s working and Iā€™m going to share with you how I do it in the hope that it helps your brain work at it too.I need things to be in front of me ALL THE TIME, or else I forget things. I canā€™t hold things in my head, there is just too much in there, song lyrics, movie titles, quotes, things Iā€™ve read somewhere that I need for something, tasks I needed to do today or tomorrow or whatever, appointments I was supposed to have made or been to ...

January 12, 2024

#1 Goals & the ADHD Brain How to succeed in 24

Neuroscience research shows that our willpower ā€“ our ability to resist temptation is like a muscle.  The more we push ourselves out of our comfort zone the bigger this muscle gets.For 24 Iā€™ve got some HUGE goals for ME and its going to take willpower because ADHD is the biggest SUCKER of willpower known to man ā€“ at least for me it isā€¦ā€¦ and this is how Iā€™m doing itā€¦. Goals ā€“ I read a bunch of stuff online, followed a heap of people on socials, looked everywhere I could (...

January 12, 2024


Iā€™m sitting here in a hotel room with fireworks going off wondering why I canā€™t sleep when Iā€™m exhausted and havenā€™t slept in days, months really and barely holding it together and thought now is the time to actually start writing this shit down and getting it out of my head. I havenā€™t been diagnosed, but my mind races, I donā€™t sleep because of it, I worry about the most stupid and the most complex of things and realistically I do the best I can with the tools I have.My son, 15,...

January 1, 2024

Co-Regulation & Accomodation for Teens

As parents we have all been there.... needing our teen to get out of bed to go to school, to come with us to that thing or just be at whatever thing.... and they just won't for whatever reason.  And no matter how much we yell and beg and plead and bribe and use every trick we might think we have in our arsenal it does NOT work.Teenagers are a force to be reckoned with even before you throw ADHD in the mix and then you have got no sleep, meds, RSD, anger, violence and all sorts of other thin...

November 15, 2023 Posts 1-15 of 15 | Page

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